Sunday, October 13, 2013

Preparing for Discussion - Genre: Rhythm of the Text

On Wednesday this week, we will be discussing session 5 of Animate: Bible, Genre: Rhythm of the Text, presented by José Morales.

First, I want to say that I anticipate that this will be a bit of an intense topic. I appreciate how willing this group has been to dig into the harder topics and work through what these things mean for ourselves and our lives in community together as Christian people. You are all so amazing!!

Here are some scriptures and questions to get our brains in motion for this week's discussion:

* What is your initial reaction to Morales' proposition that the book of Jonah ought to be read as an allegory?

* Read the story of the Tower of Babel from Genesis 11. Consider what difference it makes to your reading of the story if you think of it as history or as allegory. 

* Consider the the following passages and how genre informs your reading:
* Are there scriptures you hear quoted often in conversations and arguments that could be understood differently if genre was considered?    What comes to mind most readily for me is Paul's letters, including mandates for how women should behave in church. These are letters, written within a cultural framework, most likely in response to questions that were culturally embedded.

* Is there a particular genre of scripture that you most drawn to? Are there those that you avoid? Why do you think that is? Does this match up with the type of reading you like to do in general?

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