Monday, November 19, 2018

What is a Jesse Tree?

Our current study, The Greatest Gift: Unwrapping the Full Love Story of Christmas, is an Advent study that uses the concept of a Jesse Tree. Here's an old post from my personal blog in 2012 about the Jesse Tree: 

"There shall come forth a shoot from the stump of Jesse, and a branch from his roots shall bear fruit." (Isaiah 11:1)

"The Tree of Jesse is a depiction in art of the ancestors of Christ." (wikipedia) It is a type of family tree, a collection symbols representing the people and stories that make up the larger story of redemption, from the perfect creation to the birth of a perfect Messiah. Isaiah 11:1 tells us that the Messiah will come from the family or "stump" of Jesse, and this is why we call it a Jesse Tree. When we make a Jesse Tree for Advent we hang those symbols (ornaments) from a tree (or from...well, something) creating an artistic representation of the family tree, the family story that we all share...for Romans 11:17 says,

", although a wild olive shoot, were grafted in among the others and now share in the nourishing root of the olive tree..."

A Jesse Tree is a simple and tangible way to tell the redemption story. We use the ornament symbols as prompts to review the story each night before we tell a new piece of the story. You will be amazed what your children (and YOU) remember even weeks or months later.

The idea of the Jesse Tree goes far back in history. Again, from wikipedia:

"The Jesse Tree has been depicted in almost every medium of Christian art. In particular, it is the subject of many stained glass windows and illuminated manuscripts. It is also found in wall paintings, architectural carvings, funerary monuments, floor tiles and embroidery."

These images date all the way back to around 1000 AD. So, in using a Jesse Tree as part of Advent, you are participating in a tradition that is at least 1,000 years old. You are part of a great line of people, together honoring the story of redemption through Jesus, the Messiah.

Having a Jesse Tree can be a completely stand-alone tradition and does not have to be done along-side Advent candles or Advent calendars. If the tree, the candles and the calendar are TOO MANY things all at once, you can choose just one. If I were to choose just one, I would choose the Jesse Tree. This, for me, has the most meaning. And, with all the on-line guide available, it can be done with very little preparation, entirely from home. As I've said before, this isn't about doing everything perfectly or doing it ALL the first time around. This is about making meaning and creating focus. Be flexible. Know that what you do this year doesn't have to be what you do next year or the year after. You can do this one year at a time.

To get started with your own Jesse Tree, you'll need ornaments to represent the stories and something to hang the ornaments from. This is what ours looks like:

We chose a wreath because we didn't have any space in a room or on a table for a tree. We have an eclectic assortment of ornaments to represent the stories. For some stories we are still looking for a symbol. As a family, we've enjoyed the quest to find just the right ornament. This makes the Jesse Tree meaningful and personal to us. Some people simply use a drawing of a tree on the wall and paper symbols to attach to the tree. Others use a felt tree and felt figures.

When Aurora was little, we covered most of the Jesse Tree stories by simply reading them out of a Children's Bible. It doesn't have to be any more complicated than that. Over the years, we've collected some lovely picture books that tell some of the individual stories, and we read these instead. We have used the book The Jesse Tree by Raymond and Georgene Anderson as a guide to know which stories to cover and in what order (as well as the book The Jesse Tree by Geraldine McCaughrean).

This shows our Advent candles with a few of our Jesse Tree ornaments surrounding them and the McCaughrean book to the side. We like to lay out the ornaments that we will be hanging soon to have them as part of our table centerpiece throughout the day. Our menorahs are also in the photo, in anticipation of Chanukah.

And here is our list of stories for our Jesse Tree and the symbol we use for each story. The longest possible length for Advent is 29 days. So, we have 29 possible stories/people/ideas to cover during Advent. Many years, Advent is shorter. On shorter years we combine stories. If you look through the list, you'll see that many of the final symbols are part of the relatively short story of the birth of Jesus (Mary, Joseph, Travel to Bethlehem, Angels, Shepherds, & Wise Men) and can easily be combined into one day or spread out over several.
  1. What is a Jesse Tree? (Isaiah 11:1) - Tree
  2. Creation - World
  3. The Fall - Apple
  4. Noah - Ark
  5. Abraham - Camel
  6. Isaac - Ram
  7. Jacob - Ladder
  8. Joseph - Coat
  9. Miriam/Exodus story - Music Notes
  10. Moses/Mount Sinai - Stone Tablets
  11. Joshua - Trumpet
  12. Ruth - Sheaves of Grain
  13. Samuel - Lamp
  14. David - Harp
  15. Solomon - Crown
  16. Elijah - Raven
  17. Elisha - Dove
  18. Isaiah - Scroll
  19. Jeremiah - Teardrop
  20. Esther - Scepter
  21. Nehemiah - Cup
  22. Zachariah & Elizabeth - Pencil and/or Mother & Child
  23. Mary - Lily
  24. Joseph - Hammer
  25. John the Baptist - Seashell
  26. Travel to Bethlehem - Donkey
  27. Birth a Jesus - Baby in a Manger
  28. Angels & Shepherds - Angel & Staff
  29. Wise Men - Star
Stories/People we have included from time to time, but aren't on our official list for this year:
  • Gideon - Clay Water Pitcher
  • Deborah - Palm Tree
  • Jonah - Whale
  • Daniel - Lion
  • Micah - City of Bethlehem
  • Hezekiah - Empty Tent
  • Habakkuk - Stone Watch Tower
  • Nehemiah - City Wall

Ann Voskamp's book will lead us through 25 of the above stories, following the format of a traditional Advent calendar that runs December 1st-December 25th. If you have the book, you can download FREE printable Jesse Tree ornaments (using the password found in the portion of the book titled "Jesse Tree Invitation and Instructions") here:

The Greatest Gift: Unwrapping the Full Love Story of Christmas

What's Brewing at Morning Blend?

Beginning Wednesday, November 28th, we will be reading through Ann Voskamp's The Greatest Gift: Unwrapping the Full Love Story of Christmas together. This is a daily Advent study intended for personal, family, or small group use. Our readings will keep us one week ahead of actual Advent this year so that we can finish the book together on December 19th.

From the website:
Come. This year will be different. Open these pages — this is Christmas for you.
25 fresh readings that begin right from an unexpected beginning & usher you into the most epic story ever told– unlike it’s ever been told. From Creation to Christmas, an unveiling of Christ’s majestic family tree that not only gives ultimate meaning & awe to your Christmas tree, but powerfully transforms your own life story — an unwrapping of the complete Love Story of Christmas.
If you have the book, you can also download FREE Jesse Tree ornaments (using the password found in the portion of the book titled "Jesse Tree Invitation and Instructions") here:

FREE, printable ornaments that you or your kiddos can color can be found here: Catholic Inspired.

If you enjoy the creative work, the internet is full of ideas for making paper, felt, or clay Jesse Tree ornaments. If you find ideas that you really love, feel free to post them in the comments!

What is Advent?

As we are about to begin a study of Advent, it seems appropriate to pull up an old blog post of my own from a blog I used to keep... From 2012, here were my thoughts on the practice of Advent:


This is going to be a little like Advent 101 because I want to offer the possibility of these tradition to people who are totally new to the idea. I strongly believe that traditions help us focus, they help us make meaning, they help us mark time, and they help us draw closer to each other and to our Creator. Traditions are meant to be modified to fit each family. They are meant to be tools in the shaping of our lives. So, I'm offering here some possibilities and a whole lot of information. Take what you need and leave the rest.

So, first things first...Advent is a season of anticipation, a season of hope, a season marked by reflection...and filled with meaning. If you get too wrapped up in doing things to make the season happen, you'll totally miss the meaning. You'll be frazzled and weary before Christmas even arrives. If you're new to Advent traditions, start slow. You don't have to do everything. You can do one thing or dabble in many. But you absolutely do not have to do it all. This is about remembering the gift of the Messiah. It isn't (and never has been) about doing everything right.

Next, I just want to say that Advent isn't only for families that come from liturgical church traditions. Anyone can celebrate Advent. It might not look like Advent at your local Catholic, Lutheran or Methodist church, but if you are participating in a way that draws your focus toward the gift of Jesus as Messiah, you are celebrating Advent. The candles and calendars and stories and ornaments are tools, not the focus.

Advent always begins 4 Sundays before Christmas.You can remember this because there are 4 candles in an Advent wreath, one for each Sunday until Christmas. Many people have a fifth, larger candle in the middle of the Advent wreath to light on Christmas.

The season of Advent is not always the same length as an Advent calendar, which always begins on December 1st and counts down the days until Christmas. So, this year, if you're using an Advent calendar, you'll start on Saturday, December 1st. You'll light your first Advent candle, however, on Sunday, December 2nd.

Now, here's the fun part! We designed our own very non-traditional Advent wreath some years ago. I'm not a fan of green wreaths, and I'm perpetually worried about the fire hazard. So, we found a circular mosaic-ed tray/plate, and we place 4 votive candles in a circle on the plate around the center "Messiah" this:

We've had the same center candle since Mane was around 2 years old because it only gets lit for a few days of every year. You can do most anything to set up your Advent candles. See a number of non-traditional ideas at (Or go look on Pinterest!)

Traditionally, Advent candles are purple and pink (3 purple, 1 pink). Our family has used other colors over the years. We do typically use 3 of one color and 1 of another, but that isn't necessary either. Remember, these are traditions for your family, to help you focus this season, to bring honor to your King. This is what the candles are intended to represent:

1st Sunday: Purple: Hope
2nd Sunday: Purple: Peace
3rd Sunday: Pink: Joy
4th Sunday: Purple: Love

Your family might choose a different color for each idea. Or you might choose to have all white candles. Some families choose white candles because they are unscented and less likely to cause allergic reactions. ( can even use LED candles.) Do what works for you.

The first year that we celebrated Advent, we made a matchbox Advent calendar. This was such a fun craft, and I'd definitely recommend it! See instructions at Here's a photo of the one we made. As you can see, it needed some repair of several years of use:

Of course, a variety of Advent calendars are available for purchase. Michaels had a paint-able wooden Christmas tree Advent calendar this year with 24 drawers. Paper, one-time-use calendars can be found at almost any department store, typically with chocolate behind each numbered door. has a number of other handmade ideas.
The advantage of a homemade calendar is that you don't have to fill it with candy. We've filled our matchboxes with pennies, beads, charms, erasers, jelly bracelets, hair binders, and all manner of other tiny things. Remember, these things are not meant to cost you a lot. They are meant to build anticipation...and possibly reward little people for sitting through a quick candle-lighting, prayer and story.

Here's what a typical night of Advent looks like for us...
  • Light the candle(s) and briefly discuss the meaning of each candle that has been lit. 
  • Read scripture/story/book. For us, the reading will correspond with our Jesse Tree ornament for the night. The Jesse Tree is probably the most significant part of our Advent tradition, and it's going to get its own post here in my blog. The short version is that the Jesse Tree tradition involves telling the major stories of the Bible from creation to the birth of Jesus over the days of Advent. It is a condensed retelling of the redemption story. For each story, we hang a symbolic ornament on our Jesse Tree.
  • Say a prayer.
  • Hang the Jesse Tree ornament.
  • Open the door of the Advent calendar.
  • Blow out the candles.
This series of traditions developed over a period of YEARS. We did not start doing everything all at once. I can't stress enough how important it is to relax and do what works for your family. You want this to be peaceful. You want it to bring your family life and joy. You do not want a bunch of stress and unfulfilled expectations. Let things happen how they happen. Breathe in the moment.

Be blessed.