Saturday, February 10, 2018

A review & response to Boyd's Book, Cross Vision

Caution: Don't read the the following articles if you aren't ready yet for a broad, sweeping overview of the entirety of the book! 

For those of you who are ready to go there, the following is a link to a review (criticism?)by Collin Cornell of Greg Boyd's book Cross Vision: Are Greg Boyd and I Reading the Same Old Testament? Cornell is PhD candidate at Emory University, and an assistance professor of Old Testament. He wrote his dissertation on "Divine Aggression in Royal Psalms and Inscriptions."

Greg Boyd published a response to Cornell's review here: A Response to "Are Greg Boyd and I Reading the Same Old Testament?"

Sermon Series - Cross Centered

Pat Clark send out a link a while ago to another sermon series by Greg Boyd that might help to shed some more light on the Cross Vision Study.

This series is called Cross Centered, and you can find it here: