Wednesday, January 18, 2017

Resources for Reading through the Bible - Covenant Study

Hello everyone! We're getting ready to begin book 2 of the Covenant Bible Study (Living the Covenant), and we'll be working our way through books 2 and 3 before summer. A number of resources have been mentioned to me that can help to enrich our reading through scripture together, and I wanted to pass them on to you!

First, Joanna let me know about The Bible Project. From the website:
The Bible Project is a Portland based non-profit that utilizes short-form, fully animated videos to make the biblical story accessible to everyone, everywhere. We create videos, podcasts, and study guides that explore the Bible’s unified story by focusing on its overarching themes and each book’s literary design. We are committed to understanding the Bible in its historical context and communicating its wisdom for the modern world.
The Bible Project videos can also be found on their YouTube channel: These videos are excellent for engaging kids, as well as adults. They help scripture readers (that's use and me) grasp the larger concepts and see the stories as a unified whole. I am looking forward to learning my way around their website and using their resources in the coming months.

Then, I spent some time with the librarian at the Resource Center for Churches, and she shared a few other resources with me:

First, there's The Text This Week, which provides resources for study based on the lectionary reading from the Revised Common Lectionary. Specific scripture passages can be looked up in the scripture index, and resource pages include links to commentaries, journal articles, sermons, blog posts, video, music, movies, and artwork related to the specified passage. It's a little overwhelming, but it's a great starting point for finding additional information on scripture passages, aside from just the commentary in the Covenant Study. The Text This Week also has a facebook page and a mobile app!

Next, there's Enter The Bible by Luther Seminary. On this website, you can look up specific scripture passages also, just as you can on The Text This Week. clicking on a book of the Bible takes you to a resource page with a summary and links to information on the time period, people, places, and maps. There are also external links to other resources on the passage.

Hopefully these resources will add depth and meaning to your readings as we continue to work our way through the Covenant Series. I look forward to hearing about what you learn! 

...more to come...

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