Enuma Okoro presents the 6th session in the Animate:Practices series - Service: The Needs Right Around You.
From the Spark House website: Born in New York City, Enuma Okoro is a Nigerian-American author and speaker raised in four countries on three continents. Her academic background and training is in Psychology, Communications, Theology, and Counseling. She is a former Editor-in-Chief for SpotLight™ Quarterly Magazine, a certified Spiritual Director in the Ignatian tradition, and she holds a Master of Divinity degree from Duke University Divinity School, of which she is the former Director for the Center for Theological Writing. Enuma has written two books and co-authored two others. Her first book,The Reluctant Pilgrim: A Moody Somewhat Self-Indulgent Introvert's Search for Spiritual Community, was recognized by USA Book News as a 2010 Best Books Award-Winning Finalist in "Religion-Christianity."
Five fast facts
- Lives between America, Nigeria, and France
- Once dressed up as a poem for Halloween
- Has been featured on ABC's Good Morning America, NPR, The Atlantic Monthly,The Guardian, The Washington Post, and CNN's In America
- Was the first Black woman to preach at the historic American Church in Paris–Martin Luther King Jr. was the first black man to preach there in 1965
- Loves dogs, sometimes more than humans