Tuesday, February 16, 2016

Notes from Patti about Prayer

Patti mentioned this at our last group meeting and graciously passed it along to me in email so that I could share it with all of you!
Many years ago I was given a copy of Dietrich Bonhoeffer's writings on "Daily Meditation" from his letters, lectures and notes titled, The Way to Freedom. Through the years,  I've adapted his notes with my thoughts to come up with a recipe to begin my day.  Through the various chapters of my life of mothering, working, healing and tending, the amount of time I spent varied, but the method remained helpful in enhancing my conversations with God.  My tangible tools are my Bible, my notebook and a pen. I often begin with jotting down initials of persons or situations occupying my head and heart.  This is simply to unload so that I can truly "devote" to my relationship with God.  I then use the following guide:
A quiet prayer to the Holy Spirit is a precious guarantee of guidance and blessing.
Choosing a Scripture verse can be as simple as using a verse or two from a Psalm, Bible app, devotion book or daily calendar of verses.  If the Spirit brings you to a memorized verse, use that.  Read the words aloud or to yourself.  Spend time focusing on these words.
Most verses lead me to separate scripture thoughts into 2 columns:  God's part/My part.  (This is often a humble reminder that God is God and I am not! Whew...)  
Praise and written prayer, using the words of scripture and the counsel of the Spirit, more naturally flows from our "time together".     
Taking the promises, lessons and perspective with me into the rest of the day has me more likely considering God beside me thru the mundane, the mountain tops and everything in between.  Journaling at the end of the day may be a consideration in the future...

Example of today's entry:
"Come, Holy Spirit.  Reveal yourself to me that our relationship may grow to your glory and my peace."
Concentrate on Proverbs 3:5,6  "Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding; in all your ways acknowledge him, and he will make your paths straight." Paraphrase might be "You promise to make my path straight as I trust in you instead of myself.  Help me to acknowledge you in all ways."
Consider the my part to be to trust in YOU, Lord.  I spin my wheels trying to understand, fix, control etc.  but instead want to acknowledge that you see and know so much more than I do.  Your part will be to make my path straight...change the chaos into peace at the right time and in the right way.
Create in me a clean heart,  oh God.  Renew a right spirit in me.  Thank you for this time of transforming grace.  Thank you for your patient love.  Amen
Carry On with a sweet reminder to trust in a God who loves me.

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