Tuesday, April 21, 2015

Walking on Water

In Session 2 of In the Dust of the Rabbi, Ray Vander Laan tells the story from the Bible of  Jesus...and then Peter...walking on water.  For some further thoughts on this story, I enjoyed this sermon by Nadia Bolz Weber: Jesus Walking on the Water - A Sermon Sarcastic and Serious:
We might see the moral of the story as “you should have so much faith that you can walk on water toward Jesus” but the truth of this story is that Jesus walks toward us. The truth of the story is that my abundance of faith or lack of faith does not deter God from drawing close.  That even if you are scared to death you can say Lord Save Me and the hand of God will find you in even the darkest waters.  Because this is a story not of morals but of movement. Not of heros of the faith making their way to Christ but of Christ drawing near to you in the midst of fear. 
It is an important contrast, a tension we have to hold as believers - that our faith compels us to act but that our actions do not save us.

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