Tuesday, October 21, 2014

Confession & Repentence

In Week 2, Day 3 of Living Beyond Yourself, Beth Moore discusses some elements of confession and repentance. Interestingly, as we've found so many times before in our group, the discoveries and practices happening in the field of human psychology closely mirror what we already know is healthy from our studies and practices of scripture. Moore suggests that confession and repentance involve being specific about whatever it is we're confessing, experiencing and expressing sorrow, and turning from our behavior.

I believe it was Tesha, who pointed out how very similar this is to some recent articles that have been circulating the internet about how to apologize. (For example, A Better Way to Say Sorry.)
Is it so strange that God, who created us, knows our need to come clean, examine our actions, and take active steps to do something different? Isn't it amazing?

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