Morning Blend Gratitude List:
240. Renewed relationship with an old friend
239. Seeing the sunset over Lake Calhoun in my rearview mirror
238. Not having to work outside my home
237. baking a cake with grandson
236. reading stories with grandsons
235. beautiful concert by the Minn. Orchestra
234. wonderful eve. with long time friends
233. movie night at home
232. privilege of planning travels
231. squeeze of a friend's hand
230. fellowship with my ALS friend
229. finishing a sewing project
228. Listing God's characteristics, A to Z
227. salad with chard
226. beautiful spring fabrics
225. friends who pray
224. Early morning text messages of prayers and hope
223. Pandora
222. A home printer-copier-scanner to make homeschooling easier
221.Work hours
220. Sewing buttons on to mittens to make them cute
219. Teaching my son-in-law to crochet
218. Remote starter to warm my car
217. Warm cookies
216. Meaningful work
215. Coffee
214. Phone conversation with my sister
213. Paths
212. Trees
211. Soft blankets
210. Friends
209. Jump ropes and grandsons
208. Board games
207. Fresh snow
206. A child's smile
205. Gift of a manicure
204. Waterproof boots
203. Good sunglasses
202. Old bread redeemed into french toast
201. Seeing the ice caves
200. Watching cardinals at the window
199. Bright green on a dreary day
198. God's word in Ephesians
197. Microloans in developing countries
196. Sushi
195. Hot tomato soup
194. A new understanding of a situation
193. Warm blankets
192. A clean home
191. Cupcakes
190. Reading a good book
189. Turning sorrow into gifts
188. Chai Cold Press at Silverwood Park
187. Silent moments
186. Inspirational Team Yarn meetings
185. New babies
184. Kefir
183. Freshly falling snow covering all of the dirty brown
182. Owls
181. Flowers
180. Bubbles
179. Birds
178. Possibilities with Jesus
177. His peace & joy
176. The ability to serve Him
175. Having His hand to hold on to
174. Husband bringing home take-out food
173. Melting snow
172. Snuggle time with kids
171. Boots that keep my feet warm and dry
170. Puddles
169. Peace in the minds of clients
168. The Sun
167. People keeping their word
166. Parents & my relationship growing
165. Hugs from husband, grandson
164. Turquoise
163. Josey's birthday smile
162. A glittery #5
161. Delicious treats at Bible study
160. A smooth 3 hour drive
159. Gorgeous ice patterns on the garage floor
158. Watching my favorite show
157. Quiet moments to myself
156. "Thank yous" from my son
155. A hug from someone, anyone
154. Laughing with friends
153. Fun mugs
152. Peaceful thoughts
151. A good visit with my mom-in-law
150. A work observation that went well
149. Warm sun
148. Fluffy clouds
147. Drying intersections on the road
146. a working washing machine
145. a hot dryer141. Sweaters that don't itch
140. White blouses
139. Ceiling fan
138. Board books
137. A good read
136. Solid deep sleep
135. A full belly
134. Happiness in matters of my mom's estate
133. Iditarod videos
132. Warm mukluks
131. Giving cute haircuts
130. Catching up on blog posts
129. A french press to-go
128. Surprisingly good soup
127. A cozy bed to sleep in
126. Teddy bears
125. Games
124. Puzzles
123. Good naps
122. Sleep
121. Cute baby hats
120. Warm feet
119. Sharp knives
118. Friends to play with
117. Green things - grapes, celery, lettuce
116. Warm slippers
115. Shoveled sidewalks and corners
114. A child's glove perched on a fence looking for its owner
113. My cat, Willow - healthy, cuddly
112. Over-sized, worn-out, warm, non-skid slippers
111. Mittens made by my mom
110. Answered prayer when I asked for wisdom
109. The beautiful wedding dress I wore in October
108. My friend's cancer-free biopsy!
107. Fresh snow that makes the inside of the house bright
106. Vanilla Ice Cream
105. For new and promising opportunities
104. Interesting conversations with people while waiting for the bus
103. Hot Showers
102. Cake
101. Although small, financial income
100. For Healing
99. For restoration and grace
98. For the Lord's constant provision
97. Tortilla chips
126. Teddy bears
125. Games
124. Puzzles
123. Good naps
122. Sleep
121. Cute baby hats
120. Warm feet
119. Sharp knives
118. Friends to play with
117. Green things - grapes, celery, lettuce
116. Warm slippers
115. Shoveled sidewalks and corners
114. A child's glove perched on a fence looking for its owner
113. My cat, Willow - healthy, cuddly
112. Over-sized, worn-out, warm, non-skid slippers
111. Mittens made by my mom
110. Answered prayer when I asked for wisdom
109. The beautiful wedding dress I wore in October
108. My friend's cancer-free biopsy!
107. Fresh snow that makes the inside of the house bright
106. Vanilla Ice Cream
105. For new and promising opportunities
104. Interesting conversations with people while waiting for the bus
103. Hot Showers
102. Cake
101. Although small, financial income
100. For Healing
99. For restoration and grace
98. For the Lord's constant provision
97. Tortilla chips
96. Cooked onions
95. Netflix
94. Internet
93. Blog posts by friends
95. Netflix
94. Internet
93. Blog posts by friends
92. The warm feeling in your lungs when I am doing physical work
91. the way Brayon looks at me when he says "I love you Mom"
90. feeding ducks
89. the song of a Cardinal
88. they squirrels look when they are eating
87. soft rock from the 70's
86. blackberries
85. Listening to Mikayla talk about something she is excited about
84. hugs
83. encouragement from unlikely people (if that makes since)
82. time to myself
81. chatting with friends
80. Touch of a baby's head against my cheek.
79. Hug from husband
78. Cardinal's call on a still winter's day
77. Safe, comfy, warm bed to cuddle in at the end of a long day
76. Monthly tea time with a friend
75. The Bible studies we have done
74. The Women's ministry at Park
73. People with singing ability
72. Swimming
71. Clouds that look beautiful
70. Text messages from my son-in-law
69. Favorite coffee mugs
68. Cold press coffee
67. Google video chat
66. Sunshine on the snow
65. Snow Day off from school!
64. Snow--beauty on the lilac tree.
63. Snow---able to bless the girls that shovel for us
62. For God sending us the girls to shovel for us
61. Double stick tape
60. Paper cutter
59. Adjustable 3 hole paper punch
58. Mini Payday candy bars
57. Valentines
91. the way Brayon looks at me when he says "I love you Mom"
90. feeding ducks
89. the song of a Cardinal
88. they squirrels look when they are eating
87. soft rock from the 70's
86. blackberries
85. Listening to Mikayla talk about something she is excited about
84. hugs
83. encouragement from unlikely people (if that makes since)
82. time to myself
81. chatting with friends
80. Touch of a baby's head against my cheek.
79. Hug from husband
78. Cardinal's call on a still winter's day
77. Safe, comfy, warm bed to cuddle in at the end of a long day
76. Monthly tea time with a friend
75. The Bible studies we have done
74. The Women's ministry at Park
73. People with singing ability
72. Swimming
71. Clouds that look beautiful
70. Text messages from my son-in-law
69. Favorite coffee mugs
68. Cold press coffee
67. Google video chat
66. Sunshine on the snow
65. Snow Day off from school!
64. Snow--beauty on the lilac tree.
63. Snow---able to bless the girls that shovel for us
62. For God sending us the girls to shovel for us
61. Double stick tape
60. Paper cutter
59. Adjustable 3 hole paper punch
58. Mini Payday candy bars
57. Valentines
56. Roses
55. African Skies tea from Tea Source
54. The ability to communicate via text
53. The excitement of a long awaited outing
52. Stories of athletes who overcome
51. Baby long underwear
50. Experiencing the beauty of frozen Lake Superior on a sunny winter day
49. A car with over 200,000 miles that still runs
48. Beautiful sunrises
47. Chocolate covered strawberries
46. A lovely dinner with former housemates
45. Friends who remain in my life even with times of little communication
44. Ability to be content with little
43. The memories the sock monkey evoked
42. Thankful for God's presence wherever I go and becoming aware of it in the moments I notice
41. The love and acceptance I experience in this group
40. The color purple this season
39. The gift of dancing
38. I enjoy the quiet moments
37. My easel
36. Yarn and things you can make with it
35. Colors
34. Women who are my friends
33. The ability to walk and get around
32. My Job
31. My GOD -heart Family
30. My blood related Family
29. My Dear Sister Friends
28. Enjoying the Listening
27. Growing in understanding
26. Snuggling under my down comforter
25. Watching snow fall out the window
24. baby laughs
23. Warm slippers
22. Massage21. Momma
20. Kindle
19. Pom-poms, scissors, construction paper, ribbon and glue
18. Momma's teething necklace
17. Ice cream and popcorn and the Olympics
16. Heat in winter
15. Freshly fallen snow blanketing the earth while I sleep
14. Axel finally stopping his crying jag and smiling
13. The French press
12. Birds darting through shrubs next to the train station on a 5º day
11. Bright Moon in the clear sky at night
10. Getting up early enough to see it again out my west window in the morning
9. Ability to Read
8. Books to read
7. Ability to financially Share this gift with other
6. Birds on the windowsill
5. People I love this Valentine's Day!
4. Houseplants
3. Grapefruit
2. Nadia Bolz-Weber's book Pastrix
1. Ceola's horse shirt