Thursday, December 5, 2013

Preparing for Discussion - Jesus: The Revolution of Love

Mark Scandrette challenges us in session 3 of Animate: Faith to put actions to our faith, to live out what we say we believe. Take a look at 1 Timothy 4:4-16. What actions do these verses suggest that believers should take?

What are some beliefs of the Christian faith that are especially important to you? In what ways have you already put those beliefs into action? How would you challenge yourself to more fully live out your faith?

Scandrette mentions how putting our beliefs into practice can be a risk. We risk an honest look at our own lives, and we risk doing things that are difficult and unpopular, that may not necessarily have immediate positive outcomes for ourselves. Jesus took many risks to live out the Kingdom of God here on earth:

John 4:1-42
Luke 19:1-10
John 11
John 9

How might the risks Jesus took in those passages look in our current times? What would be a "modern" version of these stories? How were Jesus' actions revolutionary? And what do/would you find most challenging about living your life in the "way of Jesus."

John 17:14-18 is part of  the prayer that Jesus prays for those who follow him. Clearly, it isn't expected to be a comfortable life. If you have time, read the whole chapter. I find this prayer both troubling and comforting.

The following scriptures are yet another set of challenges for those who endeavor to follow Jesus:

Matthew 18:21-35
Matthew 5:43-48
Luke 10:25-37
Matthew 25:31-40

This calling is scary, difficult, and risky. And it holds the additional risk of leading believers to become focused on works and motivated by guilt, driven to do the "right" thing but always falling short. Jesus intended us to be motivated by love (John 13:34-35) and carried by the indwelling of the Spirit (John 14:15-17).  Have you seen this tension play out in your own life? What feelings come up for you when we begin talking about being "doers of the Word and not hearers only?"  Do you feel guilty? Worried? Do you begin making a plan for how you're going to start doing the right thing? How do we rely on our connection to Jesus and the strength of the Holy Spirit as we live out a calling to be like Jesus?

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