Friday, November 8, 2013

Preparing for Discussion - God: Faith is a Quest

Next Wednesday we will be discussing session 1 of Animate: Faith,  God: Faith is a Quest, presented by Brain McLaren.

The following are some questions from the dvd and our books to help get us started in the conversation:

McLaren talks about not even being able to recognize the God that some people speak of, because they describe a God that doesn't seem anything like the God he knows. Are there "images" of God that you once had that you have since let go?

What Biblical images of God speak to you most? If you have time, look up these images in Scripture and come prepared to share them with the group.

Are there other images of God, like McLaren's boat, that are not found in scripture but that also speak to you? Do these come from books or teachers or your own imagination?

Do you, personally, tend toward a more fortress castle idea of God or a castle in the sky? Why do you think that is? And do you have more trouble with one or the other when relating to other people?

Do you tend more toward the kataphatic (cataphatic) or apophatic traditions? I did a quick google search to see if I could find some simple definitions or an article explaining the difference between the two. This is what I came up with: Kataphatic and Apophatic Theology. I don't really know who the blog author is (Green Baggins?), but it was a relatively succinct explanation of the terminology. Basically:
Kataphatic theology assumes that we can know something about God as He truly is. Especially it assumes that the revelation of the Bible describes God truly as He is. However, the danger is an arrogance that we can know God fully, and find out everything there is to know about Him. Apophatic theology assumes much more mystery about God. Oftentimes, it assumes that we cannot know God as He truly is. The danger here is complete agnosticism about God, that we cannot know anything truly about God.
In other words, kataphatic tradition is that we can say something true about who God is. Apophatic tradition is that words are always limiting and God cannot be contained in words or images.

Another helpful little blurb I found was this one here: Kataphatic or Apophatic Prayer. It's very short. Follow the link. I can't seem to copy & paste from this one.


“Kataphatic” prayer has content; it uses words, images, symbols, ideas. “Apophatic” prayer has no content. It means emptying the mind of words and ideas and simply resting in the presence of God. - See more at:

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