Tuesday, September 29, 2020


This fall, Morning Blend will be following along with a series of virtual session offered by Be the Bridge called BTB101. Here's the description from the website: 

This class is designed for white people who want to learn more about how to be a racial bridge-builder in the church and in the world. You will be guided through initial learning, useful definitions, and self-reflection. This is a highly recommended pathway for white people who want to join Be the Bridge Discussion Groups.

The class will meet via Zoom on Thursday evenings, October 1, 8, 15, & 22 from 6:30 PM EST - 8:30 PM EST. However, classes will be recorded and you will be able to watch at your convenience. The price is $25 per person for the instruction and $10 for the cost of the guide. The 101 guide is available for purchase here: https://bethebridge.myshopify.com/products/be-the-bridge-101-foundational-principles-every-white-bridge-builder-needs-to-understand-pdf-dowload.

We will be discussing the four BTB101 sessions on Wednesdays October 14th-November 4th via virtual chat.

Christian Community Development Coalition - October 1st-3rd, 2020

Beth recommended this virtual gathering: https://www.ccdacollective.org/

From Beth: 

I attended a few years ago when Minneapolis hosted. I've been impressed with this group over all. 

There's a couple of park Ave connections, speakers including Efrim Smith and Cecilia Williams.
My fb feed ad for it showed speakers of which almost all are BIPOC. 

Austin Channing Brown & Glennon Doyle on the verdict in the Breonna Taylor case

From Amy T. :

Hi friends,

I wanted to share this Instagram Live conversation between Austin Channing Brown and Glennon Doyle following the verdict of Breonna Taylor. It is filled with truth and wisdom and power so I wanted to share it with you all. I am not sure how it will share given that it is on Instagram and if you don’t have Instagram it may not work. If you don’t follow Austin Channing Brown or know of her work, please do yourself a favor and check her out. She is brilliant. Glennon Doyle is another powerhouse author and speaker that I can’t get enough of. I hope this link works! If it doesn’t and you have Instagram, it is posted on Glennon Doyle’s page.

See this Instagram video by @glennondoyle: https://www.instagram.com/tv/CFf9RM4lh8J/?utm_source=ig_web_button_share_sheet

Love ya’ll!

Monday, September 21, 2020

Virtual 2020 Distinguished Carlson Lecture: An Evening with Prof. Ibram X. Kendi - September 30th

This info came from June. This is a virtual lecture, and it's free for those who sign up! 


From the website:

Ibram X. Kendi, Angela Davis
September 30, 2020 - 6:00 pm CDT
Virtual Event 
The Humphrey School of Public Affairs is pleased to welcome Professor Ibram X. Kendi, prominent scholar and author of the No. 1 New York Times bestseller How to Be an Antiracist, as the next speaker in its Distinguished Carlson Lecture series.

Kendi will discuss his book as well as his groundbreaking career advocating for equity and antiracism in conversation with Angela Davis, host of MPR News with Angela Davis, on September 30, 2020 at 6 p.m. CDT. The event will be presented virtually.

Go to the link above to register.


Beth Moore on Latasha Morrison’s BTB podcast

Since our group has used some Beth Moore materials, ya'll might find this interesting. Thanks to Arlette for the link:


From the podcast website: 

"This episode brings together Be the Bridge founder Latasha Morrison and bestselling author, evangelist, and Bible teacher Beth Moore as they talk about racial reconciliation in the Christian faith. Beth details her own experiences speaking against injustice, dealing with the backlash, and waking up to her responsibilities as a faith leader. She also gives some insight on how Christians can become bold reconcilers who move beyond head knowledge of Christ into heart knowledge and action."

Politics & Devotion: Dear Evangelicals, I’m tired of sitting in the balcony

 This article was recommended by Nora. Thanks, Nora!


Diversity in the Church - Advanced Ministry Lectureship Series: Christina Cleveland

This video is recommended by Be the Bridge. Arlette shared the link a few weeks ago. Thank you!


From the YouTube summary: 

"The Advanced Ministry Lectureship series are talks given by guest lecturers of the Doctor of Ministry & Master's in Applied Theology programs for local area ministry leaders. Dr. Cleveland discusses the value of diversity and how it can be pursued. Dr. Cleveland is passionate about overcoming cultural divisions in groups. She is associate professor of reconciliation studies at Bethel University."