This fall, Morning Blend will be following along with a series of virtual session offered by Be the Bridge called BTB101. Here's the description from the website:
This class is designed for white people who want to learn more about how to be a racial bridge-builder in the church and in the world. You will be guided through initial learning, useful definitions, and self-reflection. This is a highly recommended pathway for white people who want to join Be the Bridge Discussion Groups.
The class will meet via Zoom on Thursday evenings, October 1, 8, 15, & 22 from 6:30 PM EST - 8:30 PM EST. However, classes will be recorded and you will be able to watch at your convenience. The price is $25 per person for the instruction and $10 for the cost of the guide. The 101 guide is available for purchase here:
We will be discussing the four BTB101 sessions on Wednesdays October 14th-November 4th via virtual chat.