Theodore Hiebert is the guest speaker in Episode 2 of the Covenant Bible study on the book of Genesis. I have gathered together 5 Fast Facts to give a little introduction of who he is to our group. For his full bio, you can go to:
McCormick Theological Seminary.
1) Hiebert received his MDiv from Princeton Theological Seminary and his Ph.D in Classical Hebrew and Hebrew Scriptures from Harvard University. He is currently a professor at McCormick Theological Seminary.
2) Hiebert's primary interest and field of research is the Pentateuch and the Prophets.
3) He is a member of the Mennonite Church and was previously a pastor of Boston Mennonite Congregation.
4) He was director of the Chicago Theological Initiative in Eco-Justice Ministry.
5) He lives in Homewood, Illinois with is wife, Paula Sharpe Hiebert, who is also a college professor in Biblical studies (at Loyola). They have two children.