Monday, September 30, 2013

Preparing for Discussion - Testaments: One Story, Two Parts

On Wednesday this week, we'll be discussing session three of Animate: Bible, entitled:  "Testaments: One Story, Two Parts." The DVD presentation for session 3 is by Rachel Held-Evans.

This week's facilitator guide asks us to consider our favorite Bible stories from childhood and what we notice about those stories now that we are adults. We are challenged to think about how we present Bible stories to children and whether or not it is appropriate to simplify stories to make them more child-friendly.

* Take a minute to think through the Biblical stories that are meaningful to you AND the those that don't sit so well. Write a list!

If we clean up and create sanitized versions of the Bible stories for children, what does that mean about how we view God? Are we pitting the "bad" God of the Old Testament against the "good" Jesus of the New Testament?

Rachel Held-Evans uses this quote in her presentation:

* How does this relate to the stories of the Old Testament? What is the point she is trying to make? Does it help you harmonize the two testaments?

* Where do you see God at work, even in the dark places of our current world? 

Scriptures to read (all links go to the English Standard Version at
* Think about what place these scriptures have in the Bible, what they tell us about God and how they link the testaments.

If you'd like to leave a comment, click where it says "comments" below.  Feel free to ask questions or begin the discussion early!

1 comment:

  1. I have a piggy back question off the one about sanitizing Bible stories for kids...

    What does this do for our kids once they discover all the true details of the story? Does it make them really question whether God is love because the full story is much more violent and disturbing? Are we setting up our Sunday School children to turn their backs on Christianity once they learn all the details of these stories? How can we prevent that?


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